Thursday, November 17, 2016


For our last lab, we learned about georeferencing, editing, buffer analysis, and ArcScene. Georeferencing is a process one may use to tell a raster dataset “where it belongs”. This is done by identifying a common point on the target layer and an already referenced control layer and linking these common points. I thoroughly enjoyed doing this. And then checking each match-up's "Total RMS Error" number; as long as it was below 15, the rate of error was acceptable. We then added a conservation buffer zone around an eagles nest. I had the most trouble figuring out what URL to add to the attribute table, to connect a link to the image. Lastly, we mapped a 3D scene of our digitized features.

This map includes two raster images of the UWF grounds, the UWF roads and buildings, and an eagles nest with buffer zones just beyond campus. Through georeferencing, I matched up points on the raster images to points on the buildings and roads layers, because they were already spatially defined. I also created a conservation buffer around the eagles nest and added a basemap.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Geocoding/ Model building fun

The main components of this weeks lab were utilizing the geocoding and network analyst tools. Geocoding is the process of transforming a description of a location, such as a name or address, to a location on a map. We used this application in the real-world scenario of geocoding addresses and mapping EMS locations within a certain county. We then used the network analyst tool to find the most optimal route based on stops made. Also, I became familiar with the ArcMap ModelBuilder, which is a visual programming language that is capable of manipulating models. This is a reminder that ArcGIS is not only about maps.

I find myself trying to follow the instructions too closely and I get hung up on small steps which makes these assignments take extra long. However, I will say that the video tutorials are quite helpful. Another thing is, the file I downloaded from TIGER somehow was not correct. And of course caused my points to not match up to my base map. After re-downloading a new "Edges" file, from the TIGER website, my points matched up and worked correctly.

Here I have included an image of my map, displaying EMS stations of Lake County, FL and an optimal route from one station to another, while passing through a third station.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Vector Part 2

For week 10, we were asked to utilize several features from the Arctoolbox, such as the overlay and buffer tools. We also dabbled with Arcpy, or Python, which is a coding tool that allows you to use and tool more than once at a time. So when we wanted to make multiple buffer zones, I was able to make them at the same time. The biggest skill I learned was how to include and exclude certain features on my map, using some of the overlay operations. Also, I became familiar with how to manipulate attribute tables, which can be very useful.

In the end, I created a map displaying available campsite locations according to several parameters including not being within any conservation areas.