Wednesday, August 31, 2016

ArcGIS Overview

In this particular lab, for intro GIS, I was introduced to some of the basic functions of the ArcGIS program and how to navigate through the application ArcMap. I can say that it was a little rocky at first but I am slowly gaining a better knowledge of how everything works. Some concepts were a little confusing, such as how to successfully archive my work by saving it to the proper drive, all while doing so in an organized manner. In the beginning I may need to reference this (Week 1) lab instruction, so I will just include some reminders here.
  • "Extract all" unzips the data file
  • To share a photo of a map, send JPEG version
  • The attribute table is set up with vertical columns (fields) and horizontal rows (records)
  • Binoculars are the Find tool
  • Layout view and Data view have different tool bars
  • Do not forget to add * North Arrow, Scale Bar, Title, Legend, (prepared by) Name and Date , and Data Source (date)
  • When finished File>Export Map (save as JPEG)
  • Press F1 for ArcGIS Help
I do feel a little bad for covering up some of the Pacific islands with my legend and I assured them that it will not happen again. Likewise, here is my first map ever created on ArcGIS. Enjoy!